

Per WMC, Inc. 20132014 Yearbook and Membership Directory

50th Anniversary Edition

The Wednesday Morning Music Club held its first official meeting on May 20, 1964, in Providence Hall.  There were 37 charter members.  Mrs. Phyllis Varner was the club's first president.  On April 21, 1964, Bylaws were adopted.  The purposes of the Club were to bring together members interested in music for informal musicales, to encourage musical pursuits, and to make contributions of a musical nature to the community.

These purposes were fulfilled by presenting musical programs, organizing new musical groups, providing scholarships, and organizing benefits.  Thus leaders of our Club were instrumental in founding the Williamsburg Women's Choral Group1 (Williamsburg Women's Chorus) and the Williamsburg Music Association2 (Williamsburg Symphonia).  In 1967, the Music Club began awarding scholarships to talented music students.  The Music Club also sponsored the Youth Symphony and Children's School Concerts.  Benefits were organized involving the Norfolk Symphony (Virginia Symphony Orchestra), the 20th Century Gallery, and the Williamsburg Women's Chorus.  Members performed in benefits held in Phi Beta Kappa Auditorium.  Pop Concerts were held in the William and Mary Campus Center Ballroom.

In the recent years, the Club changed its name to The Williamsburg Music Club.  The club now has nearly two hundred members.  It has become an organization valued in the greater Williamsburg area for its enjoyable music programs and the important part it plays in supporting the development of young musicians through its Grants-In-Aid Program.

1 Special collection at Swem Library

2 Virginia Gazette, June 26, 2004 "Music Club celebrates 40th Anniversary"


Charter Members List


Mrs. B. H. Bailey
Mrs. Walter Baker
Mrs. E. C. Beck
Mrs. William J. Bodie, Sr.
Mrs. D. William Conner
Mrs. Thomas F. Delaney
Mrs. Merritt W. Foster
Mrs. Paul Frazier
Mrs. Robert E. Fulton
Mrs. John Grey
Mrs. Jess H. Jackson
Mrs. Robert H. Linn
Mrs. Webster Majors

Mrs. Paul McCartney
Mrs. Bruce T. McCully
Mrs. C. C. McElheny
Mrs. Albert Mersfelder
Mrs. Bathurst D. Peachy
Mrs. O. G. Pitz
Mrs. G. B. Ringgold
Mrs. Constantin Saliba
Mrs. R. T. Siegel
Mrs. S. Donald Southworth
Mrs. Alan C. Stewart
Mrs. J. E. Vaiden

Mrs. L. B. Wall
Mrs. R. F. Wellman
Mrs. F. T. Wolfe
Mrs. James S. Darling*
Mrs. Ada M. Dexter*  
Mrs. Mary Gonzales*
Mrs. Phoebe Rae Harcum*
Mrs. Lois S. Hornsby*
Mrs. Marcia Koller*
Mrs. Lavinia Phillips*
Mrs. Mary Selby*
Mrs. Phyllis Varner *

 Presidents’ List

*Deceased Presidents

      Donna I. Herman
            2016 - 2024

      Rosanne Reddin
            2014 - 2016

      Sylvia M. Lynn
            2012 - 2014

      Marjorie M. Tongue
            2010 - 2012

      Miriam Hettler*
            2008 - 2010

      Esther Gay
            2006 - 2008

      Jane Alcorn
            2005 - 2006

      Miriam Hettler*
            2003 - 2005

      Ann Cowling
            2002 - 2003

      Kathy Exton
            2000 - 2001

      Louis F. Vosteen
            1998 - 2000

      Beverly Ammann*
            1996 - 1998

      Annette Vosteen*
            1994 - 1996

      Barbara Hanson

      Becky Palmer
            1992 - 1994

      Rachel Hobbs*
            1991 - 1992

      Phyllis Varner*
            1990 - 1991

      Sydney Smith

      Eleanor Sandford*
            1988 - 1990

      Evelyn King
            1987 - 1988

      Elnore Andersen*
            1985 - 1987

      Lavinia Phillips*
            1984 - 1985

      Marian Harding*
            1983 - 1984

      Kathy Exton
            1982 - 1983

      Rachel Hobbs*
            1981 - 1982

      Gail Ticknor*
            1980 - 1981

      Doris Bond
            1979 - 1980

      Gail Ticknor*
            1978 - 1979

      Mrs. C. P. Daw
            1977 - 1978

      Margaret Cherry
            1976 - 1977

      Rachel Hobbs*
            1975 - 1976

      Charlene Ward
            1974 - 1975

      Cookie Fulton
            1973 - 1974

      Jacqueline Peter
            1972 - 1973

      Kathy Exton
            1971 - 1972

      Peggy MacDonald
            1970 - 1971

      Katherine Truesdell
            1969 - 1970

      Rachel Hobbs*
            1967 - 1969

      Mary Gonzales*
            1965 - 1967

      Phyllis Varner*
            1964 - 1965

40th Anniversary

40th Anniversary Surprise!

Published in 20042005 Yearbook

      At the WMC's 40th anniversary luncheon on May 25, 2004, President Miriam Hettler read a letter from club member Kathy Exton, announcing her gift of $5,000 to the club for a Grants Endowment Fund.  Kathy announced the gift on this occasion to celebrate the club's significant impact on her life and to honor its founding members being recognized at the anniversary luncheon.

      In her letter, Kathy said she hoped the new Fund would grow through the years and would provide a destination for future gifts assigned to the WMC and for special future gifts which may develop from club members and others who want to support young area musicians. Such gifts, she explained, may come from designated annual gifts or from future gifts through bequests.

      The WMC will develop an investment strategy for this fund, which is expected to operate in perpetuity, maintaining its corpus while allowing the club to drawn down an annual percentage of earnings to benefit area grant recipients. At this writing, Kathy's gift is invested in a 6-month CD with Wachovia Investments in Williamsburg and is overseen by a Wachovia financial advisor.

      Members, friends, and interested parties are encouraged to make contributions by writing checks payable to the club with the notation Endowment Fund and mailing it to

The Williamsburg Music Club

P. O. Box 1808, Williamsburg, VA 23187

50th Anniversary


Kathy Exton Poetry

Happy 57th Anniversary Music Club!
by Kathy Exton
August 2020

Another anniversary!  It’s a time to look back,
a time to celebrate and check out the facts.
We’ll recount our history; we’ll not miss a beat
And, lest we forget, we’ll play a repeat.

From our earliest years when we were quite new,
we could never imagine the good we would do.
We started out slowly and membership grew.
It seems looking back that time really flew.

Our meetings offered members a time they could share
their musical talents with all who came there.
Music lovers and makers, we gathered each month
and, as we adjourned, we joined friends for lunch.

Weighing our own musical notes on a scale
we knew there was more we could do to prevail.
To help young musicians well on their way
we began Grant auditions that continue today.

Our coffers grew yearly through all sorts of actions.
There were concerts, teas, and more than got traction.
Designs in Dining were fun and everyone joined in.
We knew we were “on to something” by then!

Then as we celebrated our fourth decade year
a gift was announced to catch everyone’s ear:
“An Endowment for future Awards to keep growing
the fine young musicians in fields they are sowing!”

The members rejoiced and they joined in the race
to grow the Endowment at a much quicker pace.
But wait!  There is more, and it debuted last year.
We approved WMC Inc. and removed future fear.

Today the Endowment is in excellent hands.
Our wisest of Club Wizards know just where it stands.
They meet and determine the best way to proceed.
We can all rest knowing they are Wizards indeed!

But out in the future at a faraway date
management too much for our plate.
Happy we’ll be to know at that time
provisions were made to make change on a dime.

There is so much more that I wish I could share,
but old brains diminish and do not repair!
But trust me, dear friends, just as day follows night,
I know our fine Club will forge ahead doing right.