WMC's Golden Gala
A Tribute to 50 Musical Years

1964 - 2014
with performances by outstanding artists

The Williamsburg Music Club gathered at Windsor Meade's Ballroom on April 22, 2014, to celebrate their 50th anniversary!

Photography by Liz Daley, Bill Herman, Rosanne Reddin

A Tribute to the Golden Anniversary
Kathy Exton

An Anniversary!  We're golden at last! 
We can all look back at our noteworthy past. 
Singing, bell ringing, piano and strings, 
Brasses, drum beating and harps that can zing. 
Flutists that flute with their flutes in a frenzy, 
How could we miss a single third Wednesday?

The Music Club started in year '65
Nineteen, this is, and we all wanted more. 
With each new season our membership grew. 
We all found a home and much more, we all knew. 
Some lifelong friends sprang up for this core 
As each month we'd gather to hear an encore!

Performing artists found a heartwarming venue.
They shared with us monthly a good varied menu. 
Within the community guests came to prove 
Music has many faces, and all of them "groove!"

Members took turns providing sweet treats,
And just after socials, we gathered to meet.
Officers led us through business and news,
Tat then led to music and happy reviews. 

Right from the start we strove for the young.
We'd given help to students:  a mission began.
We started an annual time for auditions.
Each spring it is now our Club's best tradition.
Soon we were hearing such talent galore.
It was hard for the judges, who tallied each score.

As the number of talented musicians rose
To see grants-in-aid, we soon would propose
To make "magic" happen, for as everyone knows,
Fund raising happened and scholarships rose. 

Special events began to be planned
And some played for years by public demand.
Looking back, as I can, on 49 years,
I'd give special shout-outs and earthshaking cheers
To all who made "magic" throughout all the years.
Your love and your efforts supporting the young
Have grown fine musicians:  your praises are sung! 

By now you may think, "Her head is quite airy."
But take it from me, this rhyming is scary.
I find it a puzzle to me many times
Why all of my thinking just comes out as rhymes!

So bring on the best of the golden humdingers, 
And round up more programs of bel canto singers.
Engage the best strings that ever did pluck. 
We'll hear them all with our golden good luck.
We mustn't forget though, each fall we're reborn.
Now let us go forth and toot our own horn!

Happy Birthday dear Music Club!